Right Now, I Am…



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Right now, I am;

Planning tomorrow’s lunch.

Planning next week’s schedule for my other blog. This one still feels like a mistress or whatever is the masculine equivalent of that.

Concocting a Valentine’s Day dessert in my mind and simultaneously scoffing at just what an empty shell of a celebration it really is.

Thinking of making a list for an impending travel.

Dreading the cleaning, sorting, packing and organizing part of it.

Wondering if I should do something about my sore throat.

Thanking my lucky stars it is not as cold as last week.

Looking at my word count!


Written as part of the 100 Words On Saturday challenge at Write Tribe. Today there is no prompt or theme. Kind of a write whatever comes to mind exercise.

Hope you enjoyed!

24 thoughts on “Right Now, I Am…

  1. obsessivemom

    That’s how it works…many thoughts at the same time… I’m completely with you on the V-Day celebrations. We do have fun yet I hardly believe in it!!

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